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The PA Turnpike Commission has provided the Borough with the following tentative construction schedule for the replacement of the bridge which crosses over the Turnpike at 1090 N. Union Street:
September: Tree clearing in the SE quadrant of the bridge
September, October: Middletown Electric will be relocating their aerial lines that cross the existing bridge.
October – December: All other utilities will be on site to relocate other aerial lines. This could extend into 2021.
December: The Commission will select a contractor and provide them with notice to proceed some time in December 2020.
January 2021: The Commission’s contractor will begin work. The remaining schedule will require input from the contractor therefore the following dates are very rough estimates;
Winter/Spring/Summer 2021: Install temporary bridge and roadway east of the existing bridge
Fall 2021: Shift traffic to the temporary bridge and roadway and begin demolition of the existing bridge
Winter/Spring/Summer 2022: Construct new bridge and roadway along permanent alignment
Fall 2022: Shift traffic onto new permanent bridge and roadway