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When the order to evacuate for Middletown due to TMI incident, follow the direction below.
Routes: (East on Spruce Street) Take Vine Street North to Route 283 East to Route 743 North to Turnpike (RT 76) maintenance access gate. East to Exit 266, Route 72 North 419 East to Route 501 North 78 to Exit 29B, Route 61 North to Reception Center. Blue Mountain High School, Schuylkill County, PA
West on Spruce Street: Take North Union Street North through Turnpike Service Center Plaza Turnpike (RT 76 East to Exit 266, Route East 20B, Route 61 North to Reception Center: Blue Mountain High School, Schuylkill County, PA
Take North Union Street North to Route 283 East to Route 743 North to PA Turnpike (RT 76) via Maintenance access hare. East to Exit 26, Route 72 North to Route 419 East to Route 501 North Route 78 East to Exit 29B, Route 61 to: Reception Center Blue Mountain High School, Schuylkill County, PA