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Middletown is one of 35 municipalities in Pennsylvania that own and operate their own electric distribution system. The Borough purchases electricity wholesale and provides retail service to all businesses and residences in the Borough.
Service fee – All customers pay a base service fee of $10.91 per month
Power Cost:
Customers must come into the Borough Finance Office at 60 West Emaus Street to establish electrical service. Service cannot be established over the phone. The office is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
In order to establish an account, customers must provide a photo ID, their Social Security number, and proof of occupancy for the address where service will be provided.
All new customers will be required to pay a security deposit of between $50 and $200, depending on their credit score. The security deposit must be paid prior to service being turned on.
There is also a $75 connection fee. The connection fee can be deferred to the first monthly bill.
Please note, prior customers with outstanding balances from previous accounts must pay that balance prior to service being connected.
Please review the Borough of Middletown’s Ordinance §260-163 for solar energy systems. Both the ordinance, as well as the accompanying Resolution 2018-16 that gives the details of solar permits, requirements and charges can be found on the Borough of Middletown’s site,.
Solar Ordinance §260-163
Borough of Middletown, PA General and Supplemental Regulations (
Resolution 2022-6
Middletown Borough offers electric and trash utility customers the convenience of paying 24/7 with online bill pay and a drop box in the parking lot at the rear of Borough Hall. Borough utility bills can also be paid in person during normal business hours with check or credit card.
Electric Installation Requirements