Borough Directory


Ken Klinepeter, Manager: 717-902-0706 ext 100

Grace Miller, Borough Secretary: 717-902-0706 ext 109

Lori Smith, Borough Clerk: 717-902-0706 ext 111

Codes / Zoning

John Kennelly, Code/Zoning Officer: 717-902-0706 ext 103

Jason Kleese, Property Maintenance Codes Officer:  717-902-0706 ext 106

Cliff Karlsen, Code Officer: 717-902-0706 ext 107

Lori Smith, Borough Clerk: 717-902-0706 ext 111


Sally Canazaro, Director of Finance and Administration: 717-902-0706 ext 105

Linda Houser, Asst. Director of Finance: 717-902-0706 ext 104

Carol Rozanski, Finance Clerk: 717-902-0706 ext 108


Greg Wilsbach, Electric Superintendent: 717-902-0706 ext 114


Matt Miller, Highway/Property Superintendent: 717-902-0706 ext 110


Sydney Trostel, Police Secretary: 717-902-0627 ext 201